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In History, we aim to develop skills and concepts which are transferable to whatever period of history is being studied and will equip children for future learning. Key historical skills and concepts are revisited throughout different topics. The coverage of recent history in KS1 such as ‘Toys,’ ‘Nurturing Nurses’ and ‘War and Remembrance’ enables children to acquire an understanding of time, events and people in their memory and their parents’ and grandparents’ memories. In lower KS2 children work in chronological order from ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’ and ‘Ancient Egypt’ and then progress onto more modern history such ‘Settlers in Brazil.’ Upper KS2 allows children to repeat and embed this sequence of chronology with a wider selection of ancient history such as ‘Mayan Civilizations’ and ‘Roman Empire’ through to more modern history such as ‘World War II’ ‘Victorians – Cruel Britannia.’ The repeat in KS2 of chronological order from ancient to modern allows for children to truly develop and embed a sense of time and how civilizations were interconnected. Children start to understand how some historical events occurred concurrently in different locations, e.g. Ancient Egypt and the Stone Age.

Spirituality in History

Spiritual development in nurtured in History through:

  • Exposing ourselves to past people, things and ideas
  • Being an active part of history
  • Exploring and handling artefacts
  • Researching influential events and people
  • Appreciating the commitment and impact of significant people in history
  • Reflecting on war and peace
  • Interpreting historical events
  • Understanding the nature and importance of invention and exploration
  • Empathising with people from other times in history
  • Considering the impact key historical events still have on our lives today


Useful websites              BBC Bitesize KS1                 BBC Bitesize KS2

 School Learning Zone      Sky History