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We want the children of St. Mary’s to love PE. We want them to achieve their ambitions, no matter what those ambitions maybe and grow up wanting to be sports scientists, sports reporters, professional athletes or Olympic Gold Medallists. 

The St. Mary’s PE Curriculum is diverse and gives the children the opportunity to experience a range of sports. We maximise the impact of our Sports Premium Funding through specialist coaching, high quality provision and fantastic experiences for our children.

Our PE curriculum promotes health and fitness and the importance of teamwork. It sparks the competitive and encourages determination. It is ambitious and empowers our children to become independent and resilient. We make links with physical health and the positive effect it can have on mental health.

We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the PE National Curriculum but to promote outdoor learning and embed character strengths for the rest of their lives.

Spirituality in Physical Education

Spiritual development is nurtured in Physical Education through:

  • Being part of a team
  • Pushing yourself to the limit
  • Exploring extremes of skill, endurance and achievement
  • Engaging emotionally in sporting events
  • Experiencing personal limitation and failure
  • Appreciating perfecting a skill
  • Demonstrating good sportsmanship

P.E. Documentation

Please find the links below to key documents relation to Physical Education below. These include our progression of skills from Reception through to Year 6 and our P.E policy.

Progression of P.E. skills overview

P.E. Policy 2023

Tier 3 P.E. Vocabulary 2023

Evidencing Sports Premium Funding Reports

About the P.E and Sports Premium Funding

Schools have a central role to play in supporting all children and young people to live healthy active lives. This is particularly true of primary school where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity should be established.

Crucial to achieving this is ensuring that pupils have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable teachers and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. PE and sport premium grant funding should be used by schools towards these aims.

Schools receive P.E. and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. In most cases, the Government determine how many pupils in our school attract the funding by using data from the January 2022 school census.

Evidencing Sports Premium Funding Report 2022-23

Evidencing Sports Premium Funding Report 2023-24

Our St. Mary's Sporting Superstars